English Sterling Silver Toast Rack, Yapp and Woodward, Birmingham, 1845-1846
English Sterling Silver Toast Rack, Yapp and Woodward, Birmingham, 1845-1846
English Sterling Silver Toast Rack, Yapp and Woodward, Birmingham, 1845-1846
English Sterling Silver Toast Rack, Yapp and Woodward, Birmingham, 1845-1846

English Sterling Silver Toast Rack, Yapp and Woodward, Birmingham, 1845-1846


John Yapp and John Woodward possibly found inspiration for this design in the philodendron. Eight vertical cordiform leaves form the vertical ribs or dividers, and fourteen leaves form the platform for toast to rest. 

2 3/4" height, 2 7/8" length, 7 3/8" width. 4.01 troy ounces.



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